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Projects in locality: Central

Total budget £20,000

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Tillydrone Community Council Care Package Programme

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central

We aim to support financially struggling members of our community by providing care packages. We are Tillydrone Community Council and we are dedicated to supporting those most at risk within our community. This includes elderly residents in sheltered housing, families with children who are living on a low income, and individuals who live alone. Tillydrone has been identified by the Scottish government as one of the top 10-20% most deprived areas in Scotland (SMID). Our aim is to provide as much support to our residents as we possibly can. We regularly engage with our community through social media and we have conducted online surveys to gauge community sentiments. Additionally, we are collaborating with other community groups to determine the best ways to provide care packages. Many individuals are struggling to afford food, cleaning supplies, and personal care products. Our goal is to supply these essentials in care packages for those most in need within our community.


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Soup and sandwich Club

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central

We are applying for funding to expand our free soup and sandwich club from once per month to two times per month. The overall aim of the soup and sandwich club is to reduce social isolation, improve mental health, and to reduce food poverty which are key issues in our locality. The project will run on a Thursday between 11:00 – 13:00 whereby local people can come along to their community centre and enjoy a light lunch of free soup and sandwiches. This project will reduce the barriers tolocal people having access to a free nutritious meal whilst developing stronger ties to their local area. This project will also help towards the important goal of reducing the impact of the cost-of-living crisis by ensuring people do not go hungry.


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Schools First Aid Training Services CIC

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central

We have a programme of three levels. All the schools start with the first level where we cover the essential and basics of firstaid. We start with how to keep themselves safe, why we do first aid, calling for help, talking about how we can be the ones tohelp friends and family. Not only with people that we know but this can also be used in the wider community. We also coverasthma, choking, DRAB and recovery position. We have discussion, the children do group work, fill in booklets they can keepand hands on practice of DRAB and recovery position.


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ALC School Breakfast Club

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central

ALC recently held a workshop at St Machar Academy which listened to students’ thoughts on the issues and challenges facing their communities and to hear their suggestions for services ALC could provide which could help. Students highlighted many issues, However, there was two notable recurring themes, which was access to a safe warm environment and the of issues related to food poverty ortunately, ALC is in a great position to address these concerns. We propose to offer a breakfast club primarily for academy student though open to younger age groups if required. The service will be available five days a week during term time and open from 07:30-09:00. 


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2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central


Empowher is a peer-to-peer mental health support group for women in Aberdeen. Setup in Nov. 2024 the group meets on a fortnightly basis for 1 hour & provides a safe space for women to have open & honest discussions around mental health, with a focus on suicide prevention. The idea came from the founders' lived experience, recognition in the success of groups such as Andy’s Man Club & Man chat, and identification of a lack of similar help for women.  The venue is a cosy room in Hilton Community Centre, which has been popular, and has been free while the group has been set up. The Centre is very near Woodside and at least two regular participants are from Woodside. The project aims to help women help each other with improvement of their mental wellbeing. About 8 people have come along to each session with varying degrees of mental health issues, some with Autism or ADHD & is inclusive to anyone struggling or feeling alone. The budget includes venue hire for the fortnightly meetings for a year, as well as separate professional art therapy for people who would like to try this. The group will also aim to find free, in-kind advice from specialist organizations, to learn more about keeping the group going safely.  


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2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central

The unification of Ukrainians into a musical U-Band.  The goal of our community is to organise and conduct performances for Ukrainians and all residents of Aberdeen.  We want to introduce the local population to Ukrainian clulture through song.  We want to share our culture and bring people together.


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The Aberdeen North Foodbank

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central

One in five people live below the poverty line and with the rising cost of living crisis, many more people are finding themselves struggling to pay bills including putting food on the table. The Aberdeen North Foodbank is one of 428 Trussell foodbanks across the UK, providing 3 day, nutritionally balanced food parcels for those in need as well as providing a friendly face, a listening ear and practical support. In 2024, our foodbank was extremely busy, provided more than 50,000 meals to 11,000 people in crisis and unfortunately, we expect these numbers to be similar in 2025. Our costs to run the foodbank are also rising, and whilst we have support from The Trussell Trust and local supermarkets, we still have to find around £30,000 per year to pay for additional food needs, warehouse costs, staffing and for running a van to transport supplies to both our foodbanks. Most of this comes from grants, appeals and donations of both food and money and we are incredibly lucky to have a group of very dedicated volunteers, who help us to run our food warehouse and the two foodbanks in central Aberdeen. No-one should be hungry and without food. Support from Central U Decide, will ensure that we can support families and individuals most in need in 2025.


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Fun in the Sun!

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central


This year Tillydrone Community Campus SCIO would like to provide FREE fun activities for young people 8-12 years,  over four weeks in the Summer. Each week there will be different activities running at The Campus.  

THe SCIO wants to engage more with the community and what better way to engage with young people than in the school holidays! There will be lots to choose from so they can attend for a half day or for a full week!  

If successful, in the lead up to the school holiday we will engage through social media, local Schools and Campus users to shape a fun filled programme for primary fours to Primary sevens.  

The format of “Fun in the Sun” will be two weeks of skills based classes taught by local tutors. Examples: Drama, Singing, Art, Yoga. 

The other two weeks will be run by our Project Coordinator and sessional workers providing workshops like “a play in a day”, Table top games, Picnic in the park, Scavenger hunt, Crafts etc. This is just some of the ideas we have been giving.  

We really want to give young people of Tillydrone the chance to have fun in The Campus and help show them it can be a welcoming space for all. The main result The SCIO would like to see is young people coming and using the building respectively, realising The Campus is a space for them, and they are an important part of the community. They are the future after all! 




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Granite City TKD Exercise

2025-02-12  •  1 comment  •  Fgrant  •  Central

Our project is to provide a variety of excersise classes for recovering addicts to encourage them to get out and about, socilaise and excersise to help them stay focusedon their positive road and destination of recovery.  Our building has a larghe hall that we can provide the space for excersise sessions.  We have equupment already within our ventre that can be used, but ther might be some small additional equipment required to purchase depending on the sport/activity being facilitated.  We have a cafe/canteen area for people to meet for a social after their session so they can have refreshements and enjoy the company of each other to continue to support one another on their recovery journey.  We curently have a group using our centre to support the recovering addicts (Narcotics Anonymous).  They use the small hall for their group as a community space to provide this service.  The lead of this group will be supporting this project to invite members of Narcotics Anonymous along to these sessions,he iwll also be able to advertise this within the Narcotics Anonymous website so the wider community members can come along and be included also.


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Tillydrone Community Flat Foodbank

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central


For several years, the community flat has supported local residents with emergency food provision. Due to the steep rise in food and energy costs, job losses as a result of the pandemic and the downturn in oil and gas services and the introduction of Universal Credit, more and more vulnerable residents are seeking support to feed themselves and their families. We provide food to everyone who needs it – babies, children, single people, pensioners, refugees, asylum seekers and those who have No Recourse to Public Funds. We provide a food parcel (approx. two days of emergency food) once a fortnight and this is topped up through weekly deliveries from Fareshare and donations from Cairncry Community Centre who have links with the Co-op.  Demand has increased exponentially over the past few years and despite reducing our service from once a week to once every two weeks, we still struggle to meet demand. The foodbank service plays a vital role in maintaining health and equalities within the community and is a lifeline for many. 


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