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Soup and sandwich Club

F Fgrant  •  2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Central  • 

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Project code: 14

Estimated Price



Free nutritious meal club reducing social isolation and ensuring people don’t go hungry.


We are applying for funding to expand our free soup and sandwich club from once per month to two times per month. The overall aim of the soup and sandwich club is to reduce social isolation, improve mental health, and to reduce food poverty which are key issues in our locality. The project will run on a Thursday between 11:00 – 13:00 whereby local people can come along to their community centre and enjoy a light lunch of free soup and sandwiches. This project will reduce the barriers tolocal people having access to a free nutritious meal whilst developing stronger ties to their local area. This project will also help towards the important goal of reducing the impact of the cost-of-living crisis by ensuring people do not go hungry.

Location: Cornhill

Don't have defined milestones