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Projects in locality: South

Total budget £20,000

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Balnagask Playscheme

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  South

The funding would help support with the costs associated with the Play schemes and September weekend to Craig Tara, therefore making it more affordable/low cost for the parents on a low income/single parent household.  This will also help with new resources for the children to play with while attending the junior clubs/toddler groups currently ran at the centre . 

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2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  South

JOG TORRY - keep on running! There is a proven link between fitness and both physical and mental health - which is why SAMH works in tandem with Jog Scotland to promote the couch to 5km programme in local communities. Our aim is to kickstart jogging in Torry with 2 blocks of coach-led sessions. The model is that from the 20 plus local participants, two will then go on to complete the Jog Scotland training so that they can then run the Torry group as volunteers. This will mean that Jog Torry will be self-sustaining. By having a community fitness celebration day this will encourage the wider community to get fit. It is envisaged that the fitness day will take place at St Fitticks Park and include a 5km round the park for the first couch to 5km course completers. The fitness day will also provide refreshments for the community and will host info stalls on various themes including community walking groups (paths for all), chair based aerobics, Sport Aberdeen’s offers and other fitness opportunities in the area. Local parents at Greyhope have already expressed an interest. Jog Scotland/SAMH are supporting this bid and will provide a letter of support. The Torry Health Matters group has identified this as one of its 4 core aims (adult fitness/mental health/diabetes prevention) and hence it is supportive of this bid. Sport Aberdeen is supporting the bid too.

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Gardner Green Space

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  South

Kincorth is called the garden estate. Although the area has many green spaces the community doesn’t use this to its advantage, many of the areas are under developed or over grown particularly the trees. This project is about creating a safe and welcoming green spaces for the residents in the Gardner community. We want to take community action to develop the areas to provide green spaces that are used by all residents to socialise and enjoy nature. We want children to be able to feel safe and play in a positive clean environment. Our ideas include planting and growing flowers and cultivating vegetables using raised beds, seating for residents and equipment to support wildlife and biodiversity. We want to motivate people to take a personal pride in their area, clean encouraging owners to clean after their dogs.

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Tullos Community Garden improvements & community events

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  South

We are delighted to be welcoming more children's groups into the garden this year, including Tullos Primary children, Geronimo,and hopefully a group of local childminders and their young charges.  We want to enhance the garden to make it appealing to the children , part of these plans include replacing the old worn council fence with a wooden fence which will have marbles embedded in it to act as sun catchers.  The children would also have the opportunity to help paint and do pictures on the fence.

We also have our easter event coming up so would really appreciate some funding towards covering the costs of lunch, seeds, pots and childrens craft materials, ensuring that we can continue to provide all of this free of charge,  Finally we are excited to have a local artist come in, along with CIFINES HOPE team clients, and local volunteers, to paint a new nature themed mural to join the existing one on the depot wall.  To do this we need to buy a large amount of paint, brushes and paint trays.  We know that our visitors enjoy our existing mural, and hope that a new one can be enjoyed by all visitors ,regular and new,

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Recreation Club (Our Lives Our Community)

2025-02-12  •  2 comments  •  Fgrant  •  South

Following the outcome of a recent survey from members of Torry community we would like to run a project based on the requests of members of the community. They have expressed their wish to have a type of recreational club.

This project aims to engage people with weekly activities that will help their mental resilience, health and wellbeing, support them in building healthy relationship among members of the community, build community spirit, social interactions/connections. This club will also improve the self-awareness of beneficiaries and enhance their self-esteem. This club will offer activities like fitness classes, games sessions, outdoor walk sessions, knitting and dance sessions.
