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Play Later Lights

K KD  •  2025-02-11  •  No comments  •  North  • 

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NORTH web image .png

Project code: 8

Estimated Price



Portable lighting allowing young people to take part in safe and positive games/ activities outside at night.


Young people have reported that they don’t feel safe skateboarding/ BMXing/football when it is dark in the park. Parents are also not keen on their children being at the park when it is dark.

The use of portable battery powered flood lights would alleviate the worries and would mean the skate park and other areas could be used by young people in the winter months. The lights, being portable could be used where and when the young people require them. They can use them themselves, unsupervised and have fun in the dark evenings, bringing young people together doing a positive activity.

Location: All over Northfield

Proposed on behalf of: Northfield Community Learning Association

Don't have defined milestones