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Tullos Community Garden improvements & community events

F Fgrant  •  2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  South  • 

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Project code: 38

Estimated Price



Community inclusion


We are delighted to be welcoming more children's groups into the garden this year, including Tullos Primary children, Geronimo,and hopefully a group of local childminders and their young charges.  We want to enhance the garden to make it appealing to the children , part of these plans include replacing the old worn council fence with a wooden fence which will have marbles embedded in it to act as sun catchers.  The children would also have the opportunity to help paint and do pictures on the fence.

We also have our easter event coming up so would really appreciate some funding towards covering the costs of lunch, seeds, pots and childrens craft materials, ensuring that we can continue to provide all of this free of charge,  Finally we are excited to have a local artist come in, along with CIFINES HOPE team clients, and local volunteers, to paint a new nature themed mural to join the existing one on the depot wall.  To do this we need to buy a large amount of paint, brushes and paint trays.  We know that our visitors enjoy our existing mural, and hope that a new one can be enjoyed by all visitors ,regular and new,

Location: Torry

Don't have defined milestones