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Project Strive

K KD  •  2025-02-11  •  No comments  •  North  • 

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Project code: 3

Estimated Price



Dance, performance, theatre for young people, sharing the joy of live performance.


The proposed project would enable the two hubs currently operating in Middlefield Community Project and Cummings Park Centre to choose a small scaled live professional dance/theatre production. In addition to this the groups will perform a short dance piece choreographed by dance tutors, based on their chosen production.

Acting as creative initiator's, each group will organise and curate an arts event that brings family and community audiences to their individual hubs. Offering the community a chance to share the joy of live performance.

Young people will choose the roles they want to explore and be mentored by the tutors. The project aims to encourage decision making and empowers the young people to contribute positively to their community, while actively advocating for arts engagement

The project promotes community bonds and connections by offering the community a space to come together and enjoy live productions on their doorstep. The project wishes to address the inequalities that young people living in challenging community’s tackle daily and are historically underrepresented in the arts.

Location: Middlefield Community Project and Cummings Park Centre

Proposed on behalf of: City Moves

Don't have defined milestones