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Loons & Quines o’Mastrick and Northield

K KD  •  2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  North  • 

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NORTH web image .png

Project code: 11

Estimated Price



Community Campaign celebrating diversity and promoting the area through stories.


We are looking for your support of ‘Loons & Quines o’Mastrick and Northield’ project and the of launch a social campaign with a key focus on history, revitalisation, heritage, multiculturalism, identity and integration of people who live in Mastrick and Northield, Aberdeen. We have been encouraged by the success of similar projects in Torry, Seaton and Old Aberdeen. This also an area where many Poles in Aberdeen live.

Our project is a multifaceted community campaign emphasising diversity as a major potential and strength of modern-day Mastrick and Northield areas. The neighbourhood reflects the dynamic character of local and European history intertwined through stories of the past and the present. On one hand, it is characterised by a strong sense of community amongst the traditional residents. On the other hand, identity of the neighbourhood is influenced by immigration nowadays and, in the case of Poles, population movement going back to the Second World War.

We look to promote the area by focusing on its residents and their personal, cultural and work-related experiences of the neighbourhood by: Community campaign and exhibition (still sourcing a suitable place TBC). Key visual materials will be installed.

Location: Northfield

Proposed on behalf of: Aberdeen Polish Association

Don't have defined milestones